This study was done to assess the impact of personality type, anxiety, depression, and stress on the academic performance of students and to determine the impact of psychological profile on academic performance. It was a cross-sectional study conducted in the dental college of Peshawar. The sample size was 256, final year dentistry students, (03 batches from the year 2017-2019). Informed Consent was taken from the participants. Depression, anxiety, and stress along with personality type, and study hours, were assessed for data collection to see the performance of the students according to their failure and success. The students’ depression, anxiety and stress were scored by using DASS-21 and Type-A and Type-B personality was assessed through Jenkins’s activity survey. Students were asked to mention their study hours in the demographic Proforma. Success and failure were documented through academic records. Analysis was done on the data in SPSS-23. This study revealed that depression, anxiety, and stress were associated with the success or failure of the students (p-value of <0.005). The success rate was more in Type A personality (78.6%) rather than in Type-B (63.1%) with a p-value<0.05. Most of the students having type A personality studied for more than 3hours per day. Students who studied for less than 3 hours were associated with failure (p-value<0.05). Students with low levels of stress and anxiety but a high level of depression were the most successful. Students with type A personality were more successful in their exams and demonstrated a better academic performance in comparison to type B.

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