Dental surgeons in Pakistan are doing quite well

  • Ahmad Iqbal Editor, Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal


Dental surgeons in Pakistan are doing quite well. Most of them own a car and many have a house of their own. But the rise of costs of private dental treatment in Pakistan is taking dental health care out of reach of millions of our people. For those Pakistanis who are living below the poverty line, who spend most of their income on food, private dental health care is hard to afford and even emergency dental treatment is out of reach.

On the other hand the pressure on the public sector dental clinics and dental hospitals is enormous. There are too many patients but too few facilities. Why can't we get our priorities right? It is high time we turned some of our resources to better run public health care facilities.

There is pressing need for an alteration in the values of our society. Our goal should be to provide help to those segments of our society who have been denied the good things in life. Generosity should begin from home. What about making a resolve that from now on, we will provide free dental treatment in our private dental clinics to 10% of our total number of daily patients who can not afford to pay but they are in need of it?

These people like the rest of us, have only one life to live. They are precious human beings to whom we owe some responsibility.

How to Cite
Iqbal, A. (2018). Dental surgeons in Pakistan are doing quite well. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 38(3), 298. Retrieved from