• Moath Momani Royal Medical Services, Amman - Jordan
  • Reyad Abuodeh Royal Medical Services, Amman - Jordan
  • Ahmad Adwan Royal Medical Services, Amman - Jordan
  • Ali Autoom Royal Medical Services, Amman - Jordan
  • Ahmad Tarawneh Royal Medical Services, Amman - Jordan
Keywords: Impacted maxillary canines, frequency, jordanian population, diagnosis, treatment


The maxillary canine is the last tooth to erupt with a primary predecessor so it is susceptible to environmental influences that may affect its eruption leading to its impaction.

Emphasis of this study was on their management. However, the general principles of diagnosis and treatment can be applied to both the maxillary and the mandibular teeth.

Literature about maxillary canines impaction in jordanian population was searahed and all data available were recorded & analyzed.

Impacted maxillary canines are the second most frequently impacted teeth after the third molars, with a prevalence ranging from approximately 1% to 3%. The prevalence of impacted canines in jordanian population is estimated to be 3%. Among patients having maxillary canine impactions, females are more than twice affected in comparison to males. Impacted canines are found palatally in 85% of cases and buccally/labialy in 15%, and unilateral in 92% of cases. There is some evidence that patients with class II, division 2 malocclustions and tooth aplasia may be at higher risk to the development of an ectopic canine.

Maxillary canines are important aesthetically and functionally, but they are very difficult and time consuming to treat. And require an accurate diagnosis and localization. Moreover, impacted canines vary greatly in the inclination and location and can lead to resorption of neighboring incisors.

How to Cite
Momani, M., Abuodeh, R., Adwan, A., Autoom, A., & Tarawneh, A. (2018). IMPACTED MAXILLARY CANINES IN JORDANIAN POPULATION. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 38(2), 195-199. Retrieved from
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery