• Muhammad Anwaar Alam BDS, MSc (Oral Biology), Associate Professor, Department of Oral Biology, Azra Naheed Dental College
  • Mustafa Qadeer BDS, MSc (Oral Biology), Associate Professor, Department of Oral Biology, Institute of Dentistry, CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore Cantt. National University of Medical Sciences, Lahore
  • Fareed Ahmad BDS, MCPS, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine, Institute of Dentistry, CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore Cantt. National University of Medical Sciences, Lahore
  • Faiqua Yasser BDS, MPhil, Associate Professor, Department of Oral Pathology, Institute of Dentistry, CMH Lahore Medical Sciences, Lahore
  • Ali Anwaar BDS, MDPH (Australia), Assistant Professor, Department of Community and preventive dentistry, Institute of Dentistry, CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore Cantt
  • Fars Mughrbi BDS, MSc (Oral Biology) Lecturer, Tripoli Unviersity, Libya
Keywords: Dental Alginate, Impression material, Storage, Dimensional changes


Dental alginate impression materials are used world-wide because they are cost effective and easy to use. The purpose of this in vitro study was to see the effect of storage times on three different types of alginate impression material. Two commercial (Blueprint Cremix and Tropicalgin) and one experimental dental alginate (according to British Dental Association) were compared in the current study. A total of 36 samples with 12 samples per material, per condition, per thickness (1 mm and 3 mm, to mimic the clinical situation) group were prepared Each group was left in air at room temperature 230C ±10C. Each sample was weighed at predetermined time intervals and its percentage weight change was calculated. SPSS version 20.0 was used for data analysis and mean, and standard deviation were reported for quantitative variables such as the mean loss of weight. From the results it was evident that all the three materials lost weight throughout 10 min, 30 min and 1-hour period. The least weight loss at each timeline was reported in experimental alginate. Alginates stored under air, as expected, were dimensionally unstable with weight losses up to 16.71% (1 mm) and up to 8.64% (3mm), at 1 hour. It was concluded from the present study that commercial as well as experimental alginate showed dimensional changes under various storage times as the conditions were standard.

How to Cite
Muhammad Anwaar Alam, Mustafa Qadeer, Fareed Ahmad, Faiqua Yasser, Ali Anwaar, & Fars Mughrbi. (2021). EFFECT OF STORAGE TIMES ON DIFFERENT ALGINATE DENTAL IMPRESSION MATERIALS. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 41(4), 261-265. Retrieved from http://podj.com.pk/index.php/podj/article/view/664
Science of Dental Materials