• Waddah El-Naji BDS, JDB, Cons
  • Ahmad M. AlWarawreh MD, JB, Dermatology
  • Salem A Al-Saraireh BDS, JDB, Pedodontics
  • Ayman D. Al-Shawabkeh BDS, JDB, Periodontics
  • Mohammad A. AlQudah BDS, JDB, Periodontics
  • Amjad M. AlWarawreh BDS, DDS, JB, Dentofacial Ortho, Royal Medical Services RMS, Jordan Amman
Keywords: Occupational hazards, musculo-skeletal disorders, dermatitis


The aim of this study was to find out the common occupational hazards among dentists in Jordan.

Any occupation has some effects on the occupant, surrounding living objects and the environment but in different degree, ranging from illness to death. For human beings the effects could be physical and psychological. Dentists face many hazards due to introduction of newer technologies and chemicals in dentistry. These harmful effects should be identified to protect the dental staff from these hazards and even their families. This data can be used in insurance and occupational- medical-legal issues.

Present study shows the frequency of musculoskeletal disorders and dermatitis among the dentists in Jordon. Working hours and professional level play the major role. Results showed that, male dentists suffered more than females. Those who had served longer suffered more. Musculo-skeletal and dermatitis were particularly noticed.

How to Cite
El-Naji, W., AlWarawreh, A. M., Al-Saraireh, S. A., Al-Shawabkeh, A. D., AlQudah, M. A., & AlWarawreh, A. M. (2019). OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS AMONG JORDANIAN DENTISTS. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 39(2), 129-132. Retrieved from http://podj.com.pk/index.php/podj/article/view/369
Oral Medicine