• Quratulain Khan FCPS (R) Operative Dentistry, Rawal Institute of Health Sciences, Islamabad
  • Nouman Noor FCPS Operative Dentistry, Assistant Professor, Rawal Institute of Health Sciences
  • Rabia Qamar FCPS (R) Operative Dentistry, Rawal Institute of Health Sciences
  • Brig (R) Dr Manzoor Ahmed BDS, MCPS, FCPS, Operative Dentistry, Head of Department and Principal Rawal College of Dentistry
  • Saleem Abbasi Research Officer, Rawal Institute of Health Sciences
Keywords: Corah Dental Anxiety Scale, Dental anxiety, Stress, Dental Anxiety Score (DAS), Dental Fear, Dental Students


The objective of the study was to determine level of dental anxiety related to dental procedures in dental students and comparing the dental anxiety between male and female undergraduate dental students of Rawal Dental College.

This cross-sectional study was conducted at Rawal Dental College, Islamabad, Pakistan during October 2016. A validated Corah Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) questionnaire were distributed among dental students in first, second, third and fourth year students present at the day of study. There were four questions with five options in this scale that assess level of anxiety. Total score ranged from 4-20. This was total of all points of scale items. The score 8 or below 8 showed no anxiety, 9-12 showed moderate level of anxiety, 13-14 showed high level of anxiety and 15-20 showed severe level of anxiety. Chi-Square Test used to determine level of anxiety and Mean Anxiety Score between male and female students. Mean and Standard Deviation of gender was calculated by independent T test and that of Academic classes of dental students were calculated by one-way ANOVA.

Results showed female students presented with higher mean anxiety score as compared to male students. The difference was statistically insignificant (P-value = 0.10). Dental anxiety reduced from first year to final year.

Female students had more high to severe level of anxiety as compared to male students. Mean and standard deviation of Mean anxiety score was calculated i.e. 9.11 3.15.

How to Cite
Khan, Q., Noor, N., Qamar, R., Ahmed, B. (R) D. M., & Abbasi, S. (2018). ANXIETY RELATED TO DENTAL PROCEDURES AMONG THE STUDENTS OF A DENTAL COLLEGE. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 38(1), 106-109. Retrieved from
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